如何评价音乐剧《Wicked》(魔法坏女巫)? 我欣赏这部热门音乐剧后热泪盈眶。不知其他知友如何评价《wicked》?绿野仙踪中英文对照剧本五千字的剧本 你好,没有找到中英对照的,这个是英文的,希望可以帮到你。Part IPlace:OZCharacters:Emily[女子名]埃米莉,Scarecrow(稻草人),Dorothy[女子名]多萝西,Lion(狮子),and Tin man(铁皮人)Narrator:Emily wakes up to find herself in a beautiful village.The sunshine covers the farm and the sunflowers swing(摇摆)in golden waves(在微风中).People there are always smiling and everyone can see that They're radiant(['reidi?nt]adj.喜悦的)with happiness.What lovely(令人愉快),peaceful village it is.D:Hi,who are you?E:Emily.Where am I?D:You're in OZ,Emily.Uh,did you get lost?E:No,uh….yeah.I don't exactly know what happened.D:So,where're you going?E:I want to go home.D:Where?E:Taipei.Do you know how to get there?D:Well.it sounds very far.S:Why are you here?Why aren't you staying at home?E:I'd rather be home if I could.D:Would you like to come with us and find the Wizard['wiz?d]男巫?I'm sure he can help you.S:Oh,you have a wish too?What do you want?A beautiful house?A lovely doll?Or。.急求绿野仙踪的话剧剧本,必须是中文的,链接也可以!! 绿野仙踪的话比较难找啊!还好,我有剧本的!常国芳导演Narrator:Summary:The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding.Emily,a child in Taipei,always took a hostile attitude toward others.One day,she fell into a story,\"The Wizard of OZ,\"and joined the journey to find the Wizard with Dorothy,Scarecrow,Tin man,and Lion.Due to Emily's personality,she did not keep good company with them.Several days later,Emily met a witch and followed the witch's direction to put Dorothy in a dangerous situation.Within a battle,Lion died for her.Then Emily finally knew that there is love among people.Since then,Emily became a new person-a lovely,charming girl all her life.Part IPlace:Emily's houseCharacters:Emily;Emily's sister;Emily's momE:You took my money,didn't you?E's S:No,~didn't.You're always thinking about money.I didn't take it.You lost it.E:No,I didn't.E's S:Mommy。E's M:Emily,don't hit your sister.E:She stole my money.E's M:I 。
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