英语翻译 正确使用语言是很重要的,当我们提请求时,应该学会怎样提才更有礼貌.It's important to use correct language and we should learn how to be polite when we make requests.语言的表达方式取决于你在与谁交谈.The way you use might depend on whom you are talking to.英语翻译 easy job,please look following translation,The use of pedal is an indispensable part In playing the用英语翻译“只要我们能够正确使用手机就没有问题” There is no problem if we can use our mobile phones correctly.用英语翻译“因此,只要我们正确并适度地去使用手机,就能使它更好地服务于我们” Therefore,as long as we use the mobile phone correctly and moderately,then we can make it serve us better.求《大学生如何正确使用手机》英语作文,不低于100个英语单词,百度复制的,软件翻译的别来!我会认真 稍等如果正确使用手机英语作文120字 望采纳,谢谢啦。As cell phone is inexpensive and almost all people can afford it,most people tend to depend on cell phones a lot.Whenever you see people around whether they are walking on street or sitting anywhere,you will find that people just stare at their cell phones.This situation has caused public’s attention.Some believe that cell phones bring them fun.Some argue that cell phones will cause disaster.In my opinion,I agree that cell phones facilitate our life.Reasons are listed as follows.手机很便宜,几乎每个人都负担得起,因此人们越来越依赖手机。无论你在哪里,都会看到人们不管是在街上走着或者在某处坐着,都在盯着手机玩。这种现象引起了公众的关注。一些人认为手机能带给我们欢乐。一些人认为手机给我们带来了灾难。就我来说,我认为手机方便了我们的生活。原因如下:Firstly,cell phones bring us entertainment.We can read our favorite novels and newspapers,listen to the music and even watch movies by cell phones.We can enjoy much fun by playing cell phones.第一,手机带给我们娱乐。有。英语翻译 首先of 是介词,后面要用动名词.\"抓住机会\"专业说法是”take chance“,好像catch chance也可以.所以答案是:when it comes to the way of catching chance.我们需要正确使用手机 翻译成英语 We should use the mobile phone in a proper way.或We should use the mobile phone properly.如何正确使用手机英语作文 how to right use moblie phone?It is well known that mobile phone has deeply rooted in people's daily life.we heavily depend on the mobile phone all-round from the morning wake-up alarm through daily.
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