英语翻译 1.When are you going to go to Australia?I am going to on next Wednesday.2.When is Jim going to go to Beijing?He is going to go on the 11th.3.What are they going to do in holidays?They intend to climb the mountain.4.What are you going to do in your holiday?I am going to see my grandmother.5.What does Mary going to do in her holiday?She is going to go hiking.英语翻译 1.I want to stay for another week enjoying the scene here.2.You shouldn't leave your homework unfinished to play.3.We always meet the kind-hearted everywhere we go.英语作文 Mrs.White's family is going to DaLian on a trip.they are going to stay there for a week.Then they are going to plan to swim in the sea,eat good seafood and DaLian's food.And they can make some friends.你打算在北京待几天的英语 你打算在北京待几天How long will you stay in Beijing?我打算待5天Five days.英语作文(计划假期旅游) 1,White intends to leave the house to Dalian to travel.They are prepared to go in there,and then plan a week,to go sea swimming,try the delicious seafood and Dalian food and some friends.Dalian are ve.请根据汉语提示,写一篇初二级别的英语短文,60字左右. The Smiths planed to spend their vacation in Hawaii.They were going to stay there one week,then went swimming in the sea and try some delicious seafood.They also hope to make friends with others.Hawaii is a beautiful place,they will enjoy themselves happily and comefortably there.自己翻译的.见笑了.
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