关于我与母亲之间的作文 我和妈妈之间作文



我和母亲之间的事作文一百字 我和母亲之间的事我和妈妈之间发生的事有很多,像天上的星星一样,数也数不清,有一些事随着62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333339666662时间的流去,它也褪色了,但有一件事令我感动。记得有一次妈妈说:“宝贝,天气预报说有雨,带上点雨伞吧,”我一看天空心想:今天风和日丽,哪里会有雨呀!于是我只拿了一把只能遮住头项的小花伞跑了。看来不听妈妈的话总会有错,放学的时候天空阴沉沉的,还没等我到家就下起了倾盆大雨。我打着小伞大步的往家走,到了家,我和落汤鸡没什么两样。到了晚上我关了灯睡了觉,当我在做梦的时候,狠心的病魔就把我从梦境里拉了出来,我在床上痛苦地呻吟着。妈妈问我:“怎么了宝贝?我说:“我难受。妈妈从客厅里里拿出体温计,放在我腋下,结果拿出来一看,妈妈说:“哟三十八度!二话没说叫醒爸爸送我去医院。当护士把我推进病房时,已经三点了。我迷迷糊糊地睡着了。当我醒来时,我看到了感人的一幕,当时我在心里暗暗的发誓,以后一定不让妈妈为我再操心了。这件事虽然过去了很久,但我永远不会忘记,我仍然记得每一个细节。妈妈的双臂给了我一片蓝天,让我在她温暖的双臂下玩耍。妈妈的伞为我撑起一片蓝天,让我在她那。

关于我和母亲之间发生的一件事英语作文70词左右 There are many people around me,but I love my mother best.My mother is my friend.She always plays basketball with me,watches TV with me and also studies with me.I have problems in study,she always helps me work out the problems.And she helps me memorize the knowledge every morning when I eat breakfast.She teachs me how to get on well with others,how to be polite to old people and how to face the difficulties.She helps me become a good boy。4102Thanks for her love。I will try my best to help her do housework,I will try my best to study well to cheer her up,and I will also try my best to protect her when I grow up.Thank you mom,you are the person that I love best in the world,I won’1653t let you down in the future。


