求用英语写的英语名著读书报告 英文书读书报告


求用英语写的英语名著读书报告 dude。get real man。BOOM,HEAD-SHOT。

英语名著读书报告 我有…而且不只一份…不过要求加分…毕竟都是自己辛辛苦苦写的…Q178635480

英文读书报告,20!!急 那本书不要是中文书,然后用英文写出来的 要跟下面的格式写,看不清可以叫我 1.The Fruitcake Special2.Frank Brennan3.Anna,a scientist,who creates a perfume that has an extraordinary effect on men.Her boss,David Amos,is instantly smitten as soon as he smells the perfume on her.Chaos ensues when Anna and David dine together as Anna also becomes the object of their waiter's affection.Anna asks her Aunt Mini for information about the fruitcake before coming to a dead end.Guided by his jealous girlfriend,Sabina,David offers a money-based apology to Anna,who decides to leave for a rival company.Anna's love life develops together with her career as she is wooed by Armstrong,her local pizza delivery man,who is now the owner of a pizza company.3.when a fight breaks out between David,Sabina and the waiter.Both David and the waiter had been affected by the perfume and they fight for Anna which make Sabina jealous and joins the fight.4.Anna5.like(划线),she is intelligent because she realizes that the fruitcake perfume had an affect on her boss and run off when a 。


