乔布斯与比尔盖茨对比 比尔盖茨和乔布斯哪个人更伟大?


求比尔盖茨和乔布斯的对比 要英语的 谢谢 Difference between Steve Jobs and Bill GatesIn our modern society,there are often people that we admire and look up to;these people are often rich and very successful.Some people make it big,some make it bigger and some make it the biggest.People who make it the biggest often times become celebrities;they are treated like celebrities and admired for their entrepreneurship.A perfect example of this would be two of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world are Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.These two legendary entrepreneurs have revolutionized technology and have changed the world by bringing us computers and the way we look and use these computers in the modern world.Revolutionary InventionsThe word Windows often goes hand in hand with the personal computer,thanks to Bill Gates.He invented Microsoft Windows,the operating software that is used in virtually all personal computers today.Bill Gates invented the Windows operating software,and it became so successful that it made him 。

乔布斯和比尔盖茨最大的特点是什么?? 努力、汗水。

史蒂夫·乔布斯与比尔盖茨双方领导方式的优缺点及对比 史蒂夫·乔布斯与比尔盖茨都是网络信息时代的名人,他们的思维方式、领导方式肯定是值得我们。http://it.sohu.com/s2007/gq/ http://news.ccidnet.com/zhuanti/070601bill/


