我想你不知道吧,我老是莫名其妙的想起你 英文怎么翻译? I think you don't know that I always think of you with no reason.望采纳“我总是不经意地想起你”用英文怎么说? I always remember you at the volley.I always remember you occasionally.尽管我还经常想起你用英语怎么说 尽管我还经常想起你Although I still remember you all the time.每当我看到它时,我就会想起你.翻译成英文是? I would remember you whenever I see it.我老是莫名其妙的想起你 英语怎么翻译? I don't think you know,I often think about you without a reason.I think you may not know,I often think about you without a reason.偶尔会想起你对我的好. 用英语怎么说 偶尔会想起你对我的好Occasionally I will think of you for my good我们经常想起你 这句英语怎么说? We often think of you.英语翻译 “为什么我总是不自觉的想起你?为什么你要给我留下一片伤心的回忆?你叫我对你 Why do I always do not consciously think of you?Why do you want to leave me a sad memories?You told me I have to do to you,but you still have to leave me.You're a heartless man.\"Translate them into studying BA help!\ Every time I stay up at night,I will always think of youEvery time I suffer an insomnia,I will always think of you“我总是不经意地想起你”用英文怎么说? I always remember you at the volley.I always remember you occasionally.
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