神童莫扎特全文的英语翻译 世界著名的音乐神童莫扎特是哪国的人?


有关莫扎特的英语故事大约在二百词之内 莫扎特被人们称为“音乐神童”。3岁起显露音乐才能,4岁跟父亲学习钢琴,5岁作曲,6岁又随父亲学小提琴,8岁创作了一批奏鸣曲和交响曲,11岁写了第1部歌剧。他仅仅活了36岁。繁重的创作、演出和贫困的生活损害了他的健康,使他过早地离开了人世,他的音乐作品成为世界音乐宝库的珍贵遗产。他1756年出生在奥地利,他的父亲是宫廷乐团里的小提琴手,也是一名作曲家。由于父亲是佚名音乐家,家里的孩子都受到父亲的培养和熏陶,在莫扎特3岁的时候,有一天,爸爸正在琴房教姐姐弹钢琴,莫扎特搬来一个小凳子在一边观看,他开始对音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,从那以后,每当爸爸教姐姐弹琴的时候,他都在一边听,莫扎特的记忆力特别好,只要是他听过的曲子,他都记得,每当姐姐弹错音乐的时候他都能准确的指出来。Mozart was called the\"music child prodigy\".The 3 year old reveal music ability,4 years oldwith his father to learn the piano,5 years of agecomposition,violin by his father at 6 and 8 years old,created a batch of Sonatas and symphonies,the 11 year old wrote first operas.He lived only 36 years old.Heavy works,performances and a life of 。

世界著名的音乐神童莫扎特是哪国的人?沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特(英语:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756年1月27日-1791年12:-哪国,莫扎特,神童,音乐

英语翻译 Chopin was born in a small village near Warsaw.He had shown his talent in music when he was at young age.Chopin not just able to play piano at a young age,he also able to compose music.He had published his first masterpiece-Polonaise in G minor,at the age of seven.When Chopin was eight,he had performed his first public performance.Little Chopin was so famous,that from that day onwards,he was invited to perform for the Polish Nobles in their grand salons.He was the favourite of the nobles.In 1825,Tsar Alexander I of Russia visited Warsaw in order to attend the Sejm,or Polish Parliament.When the Tsar was in Warsaw,he attended one of Chopin's concert,the Tsar was so amazed by Chopin's talent that he gave Chopin one diamond ring.At that time,European Newspaper had the below headlines:\"God had given Austria Mozart,but He had given Chopin to Poland.

