求电影光荣战役的英文观后感。 家庭战争观后感英语


最新的《战争与和平》英语读后感 If we say that when I was holding War and Peace This book is,with respect mood,then,when I read War and Peace this book,I heart it can not be quiet for a long 。

求电影光荣战役的英文观后感。 <;光荣战役>;观后感一个关于上校的故事,一个关于争取自由的故事,一个关于南北战争的故事.早先就得知过这部电影,一晃这么些年,终于定下心来慢慢看完了,英雄的故事总是能让人心神雀跃.不过今天阿信又有了新想法,Monie问我是不是喜欢看战争片,当时有点被问倒的感觉.怎么说呢,好电影我都看.不过今天最大的收获居然是在洗澡的时候获得的,具体理论如下:阿信认为世界是由男人和女人组成的,所以我们身边的故事也总是免不了会有男女参杂其中,而战争总是充斥着血腥,暴力,争斗,那是属于男人的,爱情充满幻想,主观臆测,是感性的,所以属于女人,那么什么电影可以把这两者融合在一起呢,那就只有战争爱情片了,此类影片影响巨大,老少闲宜,男女通吃,可谓经典中的经典啊.霸王别姬>;<;云水谣>;<;兵临城下>;<;斯巴达起义>;<;英国病人>;<;不朽的园丁>;<;帝国陷落>;<;理发师>;<;卢旺达饭店>;<;卡萨不兰喀>;.总是在动荡的岁月里,爱情才更闪闪夺目.As my soul heels the shame,i will grow through this pain,lord,i'm doin' all i can,to be a better man.view,feelsAbout colonel's story,about strives for the free story,about Civil War's story.Previously had known this 。

两篇英语电影的观后感 第一篇 盗梦空间Yesterday I watched the movie 'Inception'.It was really awesome.The setting of the movie resembles that of 'The Matrix',which also questions the existence of the real world.In fact,ancienct philosophers from China and Greek,such as Zhuang Zi and Plato,doubted the reality of our world thousands of years ago.Yet the movie demonstrated the idea in a appealing and dramatic way.The plot was full of suspenses and conundrums.I admired the courage and intelligence of the protagonist.But what impressed me most was the friendship and love between the people in the movie.I have learnt that great things cannot be done without teamwork.第二篇 福尔摩斯Today I watched the movie 'Sherlock Holmes',perhaps the most well-known detective movie in the world.I love to watch the Holmes detecive series since childhood and I am familiar with every case he solved.The movie enthralls me bacause it shows the other side of Holmes.In the movie he was not only intelligent,but also romantic and。


