给我一篇介绍新疆的英语作文~ Welcome to Urumqii would like to introduce about Urumqi.Urumqi is one of the most amazing cities which located in the Wst of China.It is an famous city wiyh fresh air and beautiful scenery.The people in Urumqi are kind and friendly,it is a travel worthy city in China and the streets are clean enough.There are many famous building in Urumqi,too.you can travel there at June to October which is the golden travel seasons.The fruits there are sweeter than anywhere in China,the reason is because its geographical environment.One of the most exciting activities is horsing.it is an entertainment as well as a kind of sports.It is worth to try when you travelling Urumqi.Welcome to Urumqi.这是关于乌鲁木齐的文章~自己以前写的,应该有用吧~
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