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《同生》最新txt全集下载 同生 txt全集小说附件已上传到网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:第一卷 第五章 出手翠黎城,广山郡的郡府,也就是恭永强现今所在的城池。一座典型的‘尖角形城’,由于广山郡多山,考虑到山地的缘故,建城时就将山包在城内,故将城角向外伸出一定弧度,在利用四面河水将其包围住。恭永强看着眼前的街道,虽大却很是干净。听者街道两旁,传来熙熙攘攘的吆喝声,恭永强忍不住就顺着人流,融进了人堆里。享受着这人推人,人挤人的乐趣,恭永强有点感慨的说:“热闹真好,以后老子就在这住下了,靠,在也不回那鸟不拉稀的地方了。说完还意犹未尽的在街边的摊子上闲逛。今天算是恭永强最惬意的时候了,只可惜的是自己现在是身无分文啊,要不就能顺带享受一下‘购物狂’狂热。哎!就在恭永强叹息转身的那一刹那,一个身影,连人带摔的向他撞来。恭永强轻易的就闪过了碰撞,只是看着那人的动作,想起了前世,自己也时常的被黑老子他们戏弄的样子,心中突然生起了过去扶他一把的意识。只是他刚一伸手,还没碰到那人的身子,旁边…以上

购物狂的所有背景音乐 i will follow him 歌曲下载地址:http://school.ecp.com.cn/download/music/040412.mp3 i will follow him follow him wherever he may go and near him i always will be for nothing can keep me away he is my destiny i will follow him ever since he touched my heart i knew there isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep me away away from his love i love him,i love him,i love him and where he goes i'll follow,i'll follow i will follow him follow him,wherever he may go there isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep me away follow him follow him wherever he may go there isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep us away away from his love oh,yes,i love him i'm gonna follow he'll always be my true love from now until forever if i love him i'll follow him there isn't an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep us away away from his love记得采纳啊

