现在山东《我是大明星》姚蓉蓉怎样了? 我是大明星李佳诚山东


山东综艺我是大明星那个秃子评委李军是干什么的 听说是个狗屁作家

山东卫视我是大明星有个女导演唱了首英文歌 Ciara-My Lovei ride like a soldierput nothin before yaanything you aski'll be right there to do itbut by react you tell me to relaxtoo late to take you backcause boy you put me through itthis circular motion is all we doi'm so sick of going back and forth with youyou have should been happy to have meyou said you wanted to have some kids build a familywish it wasn't trueit's killing me to dowhat I gotta dothe problem here is youain't nobody new not even my crewcould take the place of youthe problem here is youyou cause if only knew what I felt for youyou would have held on tighterfought a little harderbeen a little smarter and now you're miss my gonna loveand one day soon you'll seeyou'll reach out for meboy you had a keeperdidn't know how to treat hershould have dug a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my lovekick it with ya friendz(go)go out with other chicks(go)be all up in the mix(go)you got the right to do ityou wanna be a pimpbe。

山东卫视,有一个节目叫我是大明星,有一个奇葩男拿手机唱歌唱的很难听的那个是第几季第几期的? 李根算2113什么,比他还奇葩的5261多了去了。4102我还见过有参赛女选手1653追着评委满场跑的、版拉着评委台上走秀的、抱权着评委哭成泪人儿的,还有被PASS掉后占着舞台不走的、喝两口水唱两句的、和评委叫嚣声称不让晋级就要好好招呼三个评委的,整个一土匪窝。

