我的高中生活写给朋友英语作文 我的高中生活英语作文怎么写


英语作文:以书信的方式向朋友介绍一下你的高中生活 Dear,Peter.This is Jim here.We haven't see each other for a long time since we lastparted.1.Just writing to you to tell you about my high school.2.My class have46 students,most of them are from rural places.There are many extra-curricularactivities(课外活动)here,and I have been making some new friends through theseactivities.3.Mr Norwell is one of my teachers,he was very strict(对人严格),buthis lessons was so interesting that he gives my a very strong impression(印象深刻).4.How is your new school?5.Do you like it there?I was always hoping(期盼)for aletter from you.Do write me soon.Best wishes,Jim亲,

英语作文,初中水平即可,要求如下. John,helloLong time no write to youNow,I have ascended on high school.Although the school gave me the feeling good strange,however,thought,I will depart from the junior high school,was a little.

我的高中生活英语作文怎么写 新学期已经开始一个多星期了,我慢慢地适应了高中的新生活。高中给我最大的感觉是忙碌,因为一整天都要上课,老师也会布置很多作业给我们。早上7点开始有两节早读来语文和。


