汉语言《语言学概论》考试题 语音学常考题


汉语言《语言学概论》考试题 去文库,查看完整内容>;内容来自用户:下个东西都要钱语言学概论综合练习(一)导言-第二章练习及解题提示一、填空题636f707962616964757a686964616f313334336464321.语言学的三大发源地是指_、_、_。2._语言学的建立,标志着语言学走上了独立发展的道路。3.一种语言的句子数量是无限的,但无限的句子中却包含着有限的词和为数不多的则_。4._包括哥本哈根学派、布拉格学派和美国描写语法学派。5.语言是一种特殊的社会现象的含义是,语言具有_,没有阶级性。6.任何符号都包括形式和意义两个方面,语言符号的形式是_。7.语言符号音和义之间的结合是社会成员_的,它们之间没有必然的联系。8._和_是语言结构系统中的两种根本关系,前者的作用在于使语言单位的结合具有有序性,后者则简化了语言系统,便于人们学习掌握语言。9.语言的底层是一套_,上层是_的符号和_。10.语言符号具有_和_的特点。11.语言符号具有二层性,其核心是_。12.人类的语言能力具体表现为_的能力和_的能力。13.语言的_主要是指语言是人类社会的交际工具和思维工具。二、判断正误:(正确的在题后括号内打√,错误的请打×)4 第二,语言是人类最重要的交际工具,人类


汉语言《语言学概论》考试题 语音学常考题


语言学相关练习 1地震 主谓,看见 联合,忘记 联合,司令 动宾,拖鞋 偏正,伤心 动宾2年轻的我们 意气风发地走进了不同凡响的新时代主 谓年轻的 我们 意气风发地 走进了不同凡响的新时代定 中 状 中走进了 不同凡响的新时代述 宾 不同凡.

英语语言学考试题 是does?还是dose?我看了下句子整体.偶看还是照着does翻译比较正常process—n.1.过程,进程 2.步骤;程序;工序;制作法effort—n.1.努力,尽力2.努力的成果;成就relevance—n.1.关联;适宜;中肯utterance—n.1.说话方式;语调 2.言辞;言论;话语这样句子意思就明了了,我翻译了下,是意译的—说话前想一想对表达有效果吗?请多多指教.

语言学what the difference between sense and reference?2000年东南大学考题 Sense is any of several meanings conveyed or attributed to the same word or phrase.The various senses of a word or phrase are given in a dictionary known as its definitions.Reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements(words,phrases,etc.)and the non-linguistic world of experience;it is the association of the referent(the signified,in a given context)with the symbol,or word(the signifier).按:所提供的这两条解释摘自东南大学词汇学课程资料.The word,what we called the symbol,and the actual object,the referent,are linked only indirectly,by way of our mental perception of that object,the thought or reference.[1][1]Poole,S.(1999).An Introduction to Linguistics.Macmillan Publishers Ltd,UK.

大学英语语言学练习题(考试必考题) 去文库,查看完整内容>;内容来自用户:Tim92718I.Directions:Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word,the first letter of which is already given as a clue.Note that you are to fill in ONE word only.1.Clear[1]and dark[?]are allophones of the same one phoneme/1/.They never take the same position in sound combinations,thus they are said to be incomplementarydistribution.(P24)2.Morphologyis the smallest meaningful unit of language.(P32)3.Consonant sounds can be either voiceless or voiced,while allvowelsounds are voiced.(P16)4.In making conversation,the general principle that all participants are expected to observe is called theCooperative principle proposed by J.Grice.(P86-87)5.Language exists in time and changes through time.The description of a language at some point of time is called asynchronicstudy of language.(P4)6.An essential difference between consonants and vowels is whether the air coming up from the lungs meets with anyobstructionwhen a sound 。

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英语语言学期末考试题 去文库,查看完整内容>;内容来自用户:一叶梅舟I.Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully.Decidewhich one of the four choices best completes the statement and put theletter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2.5%×10=25%)1、1653As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use,and not to lay down rules for\"correct\"linguistic behavior,it is said to be_.A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、Of all the speech organs,the_is/are the most flexible.A、mouth B、lips C、tongue D、vocal cords 3、The morpheme\"vision\"in the common word\"television\"is a(n)_.A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 4、A_in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word thatintroduces the embedded clause.A、coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator主从连词 5、\"Can I borrow your bike?You have a bike.\"A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes 6、The branch of。


