再来一句翻译; 和公司掰了?这样语气可是挺硬的。我两年前也是因为和那欺负人的美国老板掰了才辞职不干的。I think the company's explaination is very unreasonable.I don't think I need such training if you think it is,I won't accept.I have to accept it if you think it is my job,but making me sign the contract is not right.
再来一句~ 啊!讨厌~好痛哟~小朝真过分~少女的柔嫩肌肤要是留下疤痕那该怎么办嘛~最后一句サったらさのさのサ貌似没有意义(汗死 什么游戏啊。
干字组词再来一句话 干果、干活、干净、干贝、2113干红、干杯、干草、能5261干、干脆、晒干、干燥、葡4102萄干、埋头苦干、干扰、才干1653、饼干、口干舌燥、干打垒、干涩、干瞪眼、不干不净、干粉、外强中干、公干、贵干、干净利落、乳臭未干、干爽、干将、干股、大动干戈、干货、干嚎、干犯、干笑、干菜、叱干、包干儿、实干、单干、若干、干预、干柴烈火、干粮我们不能光埋头苦干,还要多学习别人的好经验。没有埋头苦干的精神是做不成大事的。他埋头苦干了几年,为祖国培养丁一支能征善战的球队。
再来一句翻译 尽管屋主已经离世,但到处都找不到丝毫战争所带来的毁灭和荒凉的痕迹,即使是草地上最细小的花朵也没受到伤害,这一切有着种不可名状的吸引力。have tried my best.
再来一句翻译问题,请进! Man who loses his love is most coolest.As he's tired of scraping beard,drinking all the time,and always with unspeakable charm.It is said this sense of maturity attracts the girls most.
再来一句翻译 What God will no frost can kill.天意难违.Forgiving and being forgiven are two names for the same thing.The important thing is that a discord has been resolved。.