请问 谢谢你对我工作的肯定英文



请问“谢谢你的肯定与鼓励”的英文怎么说? Thanks for your approval and encouragement

英语翻译 Thanks for your affirmation and the praise,I always hope that I canbe a outstanding manager.It was you who gave me the platform,and my team gave me such an opportunity,it was all of you who made me w.

请问\ 谢谢你对我工作的肯定英文

请问\ Thank 谢谢你对我工作的肯定以及对我的照顾,很高兴和你一起工作. 请问这句英文怎么说比较好?谢谢。Thank you for your caring and your assuration on my work,so pleased 。

英语翻译 没关系,我已经很知足了,谢谢老大您一直以来对我工作的认可与支持。Never mind,I am already feeling pretty contented.Thanks for your approval and support of my work,boss。原文口语化的翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问.若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,

请问\ Thank you for your caring and your assuration on my work,so pleased to work with you。

谢谢你对我工作的肯定怎么翻译成英文 Thank you for confirmation of my job ability.

谢谢你对我工作的肯定 英语翻译下

谢谢你对我工作的肯定 英语翻译下 Thank you for the affirmation of my work

谢谢领导对我工作的肯定,我将努力做好各项工作. Dear boss,many thanks for your affirmation to my performance.I will continue to work hard in every aspect in the future.


