英语翻译 在这里我们就不讨论的英文


英语翻译 We have gotten along for two years already.Within this time period,we study together,discusstogether,play together.Always help each other during difficult times,always look for the other side to air one's grievances during unhappy times.We would discuss together the secrets that belong to us.Thinking back upon such happy moments,can't help but to smile faintly.We are already in eighth grade,will soon part in two years,don't know whether can see each other or not in due course.The lapse of time will pass by in the blink of an eye,I will treasure the friendship between us even more.如果有疑问可以追问如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励。

很遗憾,我不能参加你们的讨论了。英文怎么说 英文是:I'm sorry that I can't join in your discussion.sorry\"一词一般用2113来表示对事情5261的歉意或者对某事情未做到的4102遗憾。I'm sorry 可多解作:遗1653憾,抱歉,愧疚。join in\"一词,在这里用到表示参加某项活动。join 加入某团体,组织或者人群的意思;join in 是个短语,是指加入某项活动等的意思。所以此处我们用到的是join in而不是join。discussion\"名词,讨论,谈论;详述,论述的意思。that+从句,正好对此作出陈述或说明。故“很遗憾,我不能参加你们的讨论了”应该翻译为:“I'm sorry that I can't join in your discussion.”单词详解:1、sorry 英[?s?ri]美[?sɑ:ri]adj.遗憾的;对不起的;无价值的,低等的;感到伤心的;[例句]'We're all talking at the same time.'—'Yeah.Sorry.'“我们俩在同时讲话。“噢,抱歉。2、join in 英[d??in in]美[d???n ?n][词典]参加,加入;[例句]I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun我希望每个人都能够加入进来,玩得开心。3、discussion 英[d??sk??n]美[d??sk???n]n.讨论,谈论;详述,论述;[例句]There was a lot of discussion about the wording of the 。

英语翻译 1,since everyone is present,let us take part in discussion and reach a point.2,we will come up with the key to solve the trouble on condition that we all never lose heart.3,however far away,I am to dr.

英语翻译 (1)Okay.You should have thought about what you care.If you don't want to do that,I won't force you to do.I just hope that you won't make yourself in trouble.If you want to do it,please try your best to finish it.Then,we will take about an issue.It is about our activities of our department next week.The modified plan is here.I hope that you can make a detailed arrangement.Please don't make me disappointed any more.Now,please have a discussion.After 10 minutes,please advise me a satisfying result.(2)It is not okay for me.I have too many lessons.Mary,can you do that?No,forget about it.I think that Lucy can do that.

英语翻译 1.His words sound nice,but they don't meet the facts.2.By the way,do you think it's useful sitting here,discussing thisquestion?3.Having seen the scene where animal were killed,I lost my appetite of eating meat.4.Many people tend to fall sick because of improper diet.5.Meat contains the vitamins and minerals we need for the growth of human bodies.6.Because of the hot weather,we finally chose to spend our holiday in Dalian,instead of in Xianmen.

英语翻译 1、下次你应该早点来这里.You should come here earlier next time.2、你最好不要单独去游泳.You'd better not go swimming by yourself.3、让我们开始讨论这个话题吧.Let's start to talk about the topic.4、这箱.

英语翻译 在这里我们就不讨论的英文

英语翻译 Walking after the supper is a habit.Jim joy us for the discussion.He did't use to the life here.

英语翻译 His words sounds good,however,it's not practical.By the way,do you think it workable to sit here discussing this matterA lot of people get sick easily because of unbalanced diet.The meat contains the vitamin and the mineral that is necessary to our body.For the sake of the hot day,we choose to have a holiday in Dalian instead of Xiamen.

英语翻译 1.我们班长建议讨论这个题目This is a subject to be disscussed suggested by our monitor2.你介意我在这里抽烟吗Do you mind if I somoke here?3.他否认犯了一个错误He denied he had made a mistake.4.我不能想象和他们在一起做那件事I cannot imagine doing that thing with them5.我避免了在那条街上遇见他I have avoided meeting her on that street6.我父母除周末外不准我看电视I am not permitted to watch TV by my parent except the weekend


