夏日的长春南湖作文 长春市最美的地方南湖的英语作文


夏日的长春南湖作文 1夏天的南湖 我的家乡是长春,那里有一个美丽的南湖。每到夏天,南湖的风景格外迷人。这里,湖水清澈见底,微风吹过,那湖水就荡起一条条波纹。我们可以在湖边看粉色的荷花。

书面表达。 请以南湖为题,写一篇130个单词左右的英语短文。要点如下:长春市南湖公园位于长春市 Dating from 1933,the South Lake Park in Changchun is located in the southwestern part of Changchun city.The total size of the whole park is 2220000 square meters with the lake covering 92 hectares,ranking the firstin size among all the parks in the city and the second in the whole country.The beauty of the park is beyond description with distinct seasons.While walking along the clear water,youare sure to enjoy the singing of the birds flying through the willow trees and the fragrant flowers everywhere.Not only can you relax in the beautiful park,you are also welcome to join in various activities.In summer,youcan go fishing,boating,and swimming.While in winter,you may Participate in skiing,ice-skating,or justappreciate the ice lantern show.There are folk custom shows as well,such as the lantern show.Believe it ornot,tourists can never fail to enjoy themselves in traditional activities,such as the dog plough or the camelplough.If you want to have fun and than fun,。

美丽的长春作文 长春,简称“长”,是吉林省省会、副省级市、东北亚经济圈中心城市[1],是国务院定位的中国东北地区中心城市之一、我国重要的工业基地、国家历史文化名城和全国综合交通。

写长春南湖景色的作文快。写长春南湖景色的作文快。游南湖 去年“五一”期间,我们全家都去了长春的舅舅家玩一玩,顺便参加舅舅的婚礼.5月3日,舅舅说要领我们去南湖公园玩。.

夏日的长春南湖作文 长春市最美的地方南湖的英语作文


