

坐火车花费了我很多的时间用英语怎么说 坐火车花费了我很多的时间It took me a lot of time to take the train重点词汇坐火车by train花费spend;cost;expense;expenditure;outlay很多a great many;a great deal of;a large number of;plenty of时间time;hour;while这要花费许多时间的英语意思 This can cost too much time这本书花费了我很多时间.翻成英语怎么说? 楼主您好:这句话有三种表达方法.The book cost me a lot of time.It took me a lot of time to read this book.I spent much time on this book.祝楼主学习进步每天早上我都在做饭上花费许多时间,英语怎么说 I spend much time in making a meal every morning.其中in可省。It takes me much time to make a meal every morning.make a meal=cook我们常常在英语学习上花费了很多时间用英语怎么说 We often spend much time in learning English.We often cost much time to learn English.We often spend much time on English.此为原创 绝对正确!那时候我花费许多时间在我的爱好上翻译 那时候我花费许多时间在我的爱好上-I spent so much time on my hobbies at that time.“他们为我们的学习花费了许多时间”用英语怎么说 他们为我们的学习花费了许多时间1.They spend a lot of time on our studying.2.They paid plenty of time for our studying.spend的句型:sb spend+一段时间/钱+on sthsb spend+一段时间+(in)doing stn例如:I spend 10 minutes(in)answering thequestion.I spend 10 dollars on the pen.cost的主语一般只能是物例如:只能说,The pen cost me 10 dollars.不能说,I cost 10 dollars…是错误的。take的句型:It takes sb+一段时间+to do sth.sth take sb+一段时间take作花费讲的时候主语一般也是为物例如:The flight will take me 3 hours.pay的句型:sb pay+钱+for sthsb pay+钱+to sbpay 的主语一般为人例如:I paid 10 dollars to him for a pen.他们为我们的学习花费了许多时间我花费许多时间学习用英语 I spend a lot of time on studying.学习英语你必须要弄清楚自己的学习目的。是为了和人简单交流,还是为了过四六级,还是为了将来做外贸,还是结交外国朋友。必须了解目标,了解自己要付出多少以后,就不会有这样的疑问了我会花费一些时间陪家人,,用英语翻译的句子是什么?? I will spend some time with my family.在英文里,百 spend time with 包含了“陪”的意思,所以不需要翻度译出来。但版如果要强调语气,权可以这么说:I will spend some time to be together with my family.我喜欢学数学,尽管它花费我很多时间。(英语翻译) I like study math,although it takes me a lot of time.


