你假期打算去哪里旅行?翻译 翻译:1.Where do you plan to spend your holiday?2.Whom do you plan to travel with during the holidays?3.Where have you been for the last National holiday?4.How many days off do you have in National Day?How would you spend that?5.We have five days off in National Day and I am going to travel with my family/I prefer staying at home.希望您的采纳~英语翻译 The Whites are going to visit Dalian for vacation.They are staying for a week.They plan to go swimming in the sea and eat delicious seafood and Dalian food.They hope to make some friends there.Dalian.英语翻译 The Whites plan to spend their holday travelling to Dalian.they intend to stay there for a week.during their stay,they will swim in the sea and taste delicious seafood and Dalian specialties.What's mo.英语翻译 The White are going to Dalian for a holiday.It is a beautiful coastal city in Liaoning Province.They plan to stay there for a week,and go swimming in the sea.Also they'd like to taste the delicious seafood and Dalian delicacy.They want to make some friends there and enjoy beautiful sceneries.Dalian is very beautiful,and the weather there is also fine.They will spend an easy and happy holiday in Dalian.自己补充了几句.他们打算假期去旅行用英文怎么说 They are going on a trip _ _ _ They are going on a trip during their holidays.英语翻译 1.I ate two apples yesterday.2.We are going to go to travel next week.3.Where did you go on your holiday?I went to guangzhou.4.He plans to go to the zoo tomorrow.5.They are playing football.英语翻译 1.The Whites are going to visit Shangmen on holiday.2.They will stay there for a week,going swimming in the sea,trying some seafood and making some new friends.3.They will have a happy holiday there because Shangmen is so beautiful and the weather there is nice.初二英语作文 The Whites are going to Xiamen for a trip during their holiday.They are going to stay there for a week.They plan to swim in the sea,tastes delicious sea food.Of course they are going to make some new.英语“这个假期你准备去哪里旅游”?怎么翻译 where are you going to travel for this vacation?英语作文,如果有3天假期,你想去哪里旅行?打算跟谁去?(我只是一个6年级的,要6年级能看懂) Last holiday,I travelled to Gold Coast,the city in Australia famous for its fantastic natural environment.I went to the beach to enjoy the baptism of fresh sea 。
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