这是我们城市的地图的英语 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.Maps of cities are really helpful when you go travelling in foreign countries.(这里的重要其实是有用的意思.)直译:Maps of cities play an important role when you go travelling in foreign countries.“到了一个陌生城市买一张地图很重要”用英语怎么说 it is important to buy 祝英语越来越好在地图上 用英文怎么说? on the map都用on在地图上 英文 如果说某个城市在地图上用on指某个东西在地图的表面还是用on.具体说来on强调的是与某物的表面接触而in强调的是空间概念,通常指有外物包围,且语气强调“在里面”这是一幅关于我们城市的地图英语 This is a map of our city.英语翻译 1.Carta de los s铆mbolos(Demostraci贸n)2.L铆mite nacional3.Ciudad鍦板浘涓撶敤璇嶅簲璇ユ槸杩欏嚑涓?娴佸煙cuenca杈圭晫aleda艌o;艌a鎴栨槸frontera閮藉彲浠?br>娌虫祦r铆o英语翻译 1)This is the book that you want.2)He is the person that we were talking about.3)I will always remember the day that I joined the army.4)This is the biggest map that I have ever seen.5)They are talkin.英语翻译 1.我想要三瓶牛奶.I’d like to buy three bottles of milk.2.他买了一幅我们城市的地图.He bought a map of our city.3.桌子上有一篮马铃薯.There is basket of potatoes on the table.4.玛丽的书包和露丝的书包放.“到了一个陌生城市买一张地图很重要”用英语怎么说 it is important to buy 望采纳,祝英语越来越好


