我想要更多的了解世界英文 要想要更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语


英文翻译~~~谢谢啦~~~1.我们不知道怎样取乐 2.该是吃午饭的时间了 3.Kate和我都喜欢跑步 4.他没有太多的时间和朋友聊天 5.我想要更多得了解世界 We do not know how to make merry.It is time for lunch.Both Kate and I like running.He can't spend too much time chatting with him friends.I am desirous to know further the world.

我想要更多的了解世界英文 要想要更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语


我想要更多的了解世界英文 要想要更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语

要想更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好 It can make me a better understanding of the history of the world

我想要更多的了解世界英文 要想要更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语

我喜欢读书因为我想要更好地了解世界I like()()because ()()() How long do they read newspaper?

英语翻译 hello。想要更多的了解你,I'd like to get to know you alittle more.你一个人住?Do you live alone?父母呢?How about your parents?有兄弟姐妹吗?Do you have any siblings?一直没有结婚吗?Are you single?可以的话你发其他照片给我.Send some of your photos to me if you feel like it.我们昨天下了入冬以来第一场雪,不大,但我仍然很兴奋.Yesterday we saw the first snowfall this winter.it's light,but still I'm so exited.我的外表和内心世界比我的实际年龄要小的多,很年轻充满活力,I'm really energetic,and my mental age and appearance is way younger than my actual age.你工作很忙吗?Are you busy at work?你们那现在是几点钟?What time is it at your place?是晚上吧?it's night,isn't it?我们这儿现在是上午9点.Well,it's 9 o'clock here.是希望一天的开始.The time when dreams are awake and hopes begin.

‘我想知道更多地了解世界.’英文怎么说 I want to learn/know about the world.

要想要更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语 做…有必要It is necessary to do sth.Doing sth.is necessary.翻译:It is necessary to learn if you want to know the world better

英语小题 1 learn about2 old enough to

我喜欢读书因为我想要更好地了解世界I like()()because ()()() I like reading books because I want to know about the world better.How long do they read newspapers every day?

我喜欢在网上查资料,是因为我想要对世界了解的更多。的英文翻译 to search because know about


