大概一年没有见了英语翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 Although this did not see you,but the feeling that you can mature.This year you had in the United States?I have always wanted to know your information,but I can not ask other people,it can only wait until the summer each year,I do not know who and what you said,you know what they asked me to direct,I will not hide what you.After you have any questions,I will not lie,I hope you can wait until the take care。

大概一年没有见了英语翻译 英语翻译

我们有一年没见了!想我吗?用英语怎么翻译 It's been a whole year since I last saw you.Do you miss me?绝对正确,错了我给你我全部的积分。

大概一年没有见了英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 1,It is unlikely for you to understand this sentence.2,I haven't seen Tim since 1994,he has been overseas for three years.3,It is the hotel which built last year.4,You will have much fun if travel on a boat.5,The Olympic games will be hold in London in four years.6,This novel will be finished before next June.7,I am looking forward the winter holiday.8,I don't understand the meaning of this word,I need to look it up in the dictionary.9,He's been living in Korea before come to China.

大概一年没有见了英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 王戎云:“与稽康居二十年,未尝见其喜愠之色①.”【注释】①嵇(jī)康:字叔夜,任魏朝中散大夫,世称稽中散,与阮籍等称竹林七贤,为人内心谨慎,而行为狂放,崇尚老庄哲学,借以反对司马氏的黑暗统治,后遭诬害,被司马昭处死.【译文】王戎说:“和嵇康相处二十年,未曾看见过他有喜怒的表情.”王戎、和峤同时遭大丧,俱以孝称①.王鸡骨支床,和哭泣备礼②.武帝谓刘仲雄曰:“卿数省王、和不③?闻和哀苦过礼,使人忧之.”仲雄曰:“和峤虽备礼,神气不损;王戎虽不备礼,而哀毁骨立④.臣以和峤生孝,王戎死孝⑤.陛下不应忧峤,而应忧戎.”【注释】①王戎:字浚冲,晋代人.受命征伐吴国,吴国平定后,封爵安丰侯.任光禄勋、吏部尚书,因母亲丧事离职.服丧期间,不拘礼制,饮酒食肉,但面容憔悴.和峤(qiáo):字长舆,任中书令、尚书,因母亲丧事离职.服丧期间,谨守礼法,量米而食,不多吃饭,但不如王戎憔悴.大丧:父母之丧.②鸡骨支床:指骨瘦如柴,意同下文的哀毁骨立.③刘仲雄:名毅,字仲雄,为人刚直,任司隶校尉、尚书左仆射.卿:君称臣为卿.数(shuò):屡次;经常.省(Xǐng):探望.不:同否.④哀毁骨立:形容悲哀过度,瘦弱不堪,剩个骨架立着.⑤生孝:指遵守丧礼而能注意不伤身体的孝。

英语翻译 1.How long has it been since we meet last time?It's been almost one and a half year.2.When did you see that girl last time?I saw her last Wendesday.3.When shall we went to see the patient in the hospital What shall we buy?4.Can you help me to buy some cold medicine?5.The last time I saw him was three years ago/in 2010.6.How many years ago was it when you saw him last time?Which year was it when you saw him last time?

我们有一年没见了。想我吗?用英语怎么翻译 It's been a whole year since I last saw you.Do you miss me?绝对正确,错了我给你我全部的积分。


我一年多都没见到他了.英语翻译 I have not seen him for 1 year.

英语翻译 1\\They remains to be the best friends,though they have not seen each other for than ten years.2\\All people who are infected by SARS should be sent to the hospital.3\\ i am tired,not because i shou.


