写一篇英语作文 带你的朋友一起 英语


让你的中国朋友带着你一起去.用英语怎么说 楼上有些语法错误,大概是笔误吧.一楼,\"let\"后面不能跟\"to\".二楼,\"take together with you\"不通.三楼,let 不能跟 to,另外这句英文有点别扭.Try this:Let your Chinese friend take you along.(一个中国朋友)Let yo.

英语书面表达 You won the first place at the sports meeting.You went for a picnic with some good friends to celebrate.You brought along all kinds of food,like sandwich,bread,and popcorn,etc.You took many photos and.

英语翻译 Many friends_can_stay_with_me at the same time.Please_take_the fruits and food_to_Lily_.We_want_to_take_you to Shanghai.

写一篇英语作文 Where Is My Job Today,university graduates are unable to find jobs.What is causing the raising unemployment rate and how this problem could be solves has become the biggest problems in society.Th.

“寻找那一双翅膀带你一起去飞”用英语怎么说 Looking for a pair of wings which can take you fly together.

关于你和你的朋友一起到商店买东西的英语对话 开场是2113,A:Can I help you?或者 B:ExcuseB:Yes,I would like a pair of shoes.(是的,我想要一双鞋子5261)4102A:Any particular color?(要什么颜色的?B:Red.(红的)A:Is this one ok?it's a pair of sports shoes made of leather.(这双可以吗1653?这是一双皮制的运动鞋)B:let me try them on.Emm.Do you have larger ones?(让我试试.恩.你们有大一点的吗?A:Yes.Here you are.(有啊,给你.)B:Well,good.I'll take them.How much?(恩,很好.我就要这双了.多少钱?A:200.(200)B:Here's the money.Thank you.(给你钱.)A:Thank you.Bye(谢谢,再见)B:Goodbye.(再见)望采纳

关于暑假叫朋友一起去玩的英语作文,40词.包括内容,要带的东西,出发时间和地点.今晚就要,快。 One day,Tommy and Alice are playing with electric automobile.'Can I play with it'' Alice said'No,I haven't play enough with it。I won't give it to you。'her mother heard the sound of a quarrel,and came,she said:Tommy。Good things should share with your friends.give it to Alice play\"Mama said,Tommy give electric automobile to the Alice.Mom smiled and said that he was a good child。

你介意我明天带一个朋友去吗?英语怎么说 Do you mind if I bring a friend with me tomorrow?Do you mind my bringing a friend with me tomorrow?这两种说法应该都可以,这种情况下不要用take,因为说的是带一位朋友跟我一起(来)


