放学后我帮助同学打扫教室,翻译为英语 我能够帮同学打扫教室英语


现在是下午4点钟英语怎么说 It is four clock pm now.students are cleaning the classroom.boys are cleaning windows,and girls are moping the floor.LINDA is watering the flowers.关键用法打扫教室:cleaning classroom;拖地板:mop the.

放学后我帮助同学打扫教室,翻译为英语 我能够帮同学打扫教室英语

他乐于助人.经常帮助同学们打扫教室.大家都喜欢他,翻译成英文 He is always willing to help others,like doing some cleaning for classmates.As a consequence,we all like him.希望你能满意^、

放学后我帮助同学打扫教室,翻译为英语 我能够帮同学打扫教室英语

英语翻译 五星级回答,一定要采纳哦,不要辜负我的辛苦劳动。【来自英语牛人团】每天打扫教室要花你们二十分钟时间吗?Would it take 20 minutes to clean classroom everyday?她的梦想是成为一名网球运动员.Her dream is to be a tennis player.你们的教室是在几楼?在三楼.What floor is your classroom in?The third floor.你的新同学对你友好吗?Are your new classmates nice to you?你家离学校有多远?How far is it from your home to school?谁教你们数学?是吴老师.Who teaches you math?Mr.Wu.我想谢谢他们帮我复习英语.I'd like to thank them to help me reviewing my English.他们学校没有图书馆.There's no library in their school.我想向你借几本书.I want to borrow some books from you.谢谢你向我父母问好.Thank you to say hello to my parents.

放学后我帮助同学打扫教室,翻译为英语 我能够帮同学打扫教室英语

我和我的新同学一起打扫我们的教室 翻译英语 我和我的新同学一起打扫我们的教室:My new classmate and I are cleaning our classroom together.自己翻译的,有什么问题请追问、希望及时采纳—? 多谢⌒_⌒



