天府教育大联考各科答案 天府大联考2016答案


天府大联考2016理科数学18答案 这里应该找不到答案 不会的话 还是问问你的同学·或者老师比较好 让他们给你讲讲 不要总是不动脑 只抄答案。对成绩提高最大的还是问老师。

天府教育大联考各科答案 天府大联考2016答案

天府大联考高中2016届高中毕业班综合能力滚动测试语文答案 高中毕业班综合能力滚动测试一

天府教育大联考各科答案 天府大联考2016答案

天府大联考2016答案 我目前有办法给你 第一,加班上群里找同学的抄吧 第二,乱做吧,我以前的时候也是作业多于是乱写。当然。最好的办法还是自己做,对成绩有好处。

天府教育大联考各科答案 天府大联考2016答案

天府教育大联考1英语答案2017 I.1-5 BCACAII.1.themselves 2.himself 3.yourself 4.myself 5.herselfIII.1-5 BACCB 6-10 CBACAIV.1-5 CCBCAV.One possible version:The flu spreads easily among people.Weshould do our best to prevent it.Weshould go to bed early and get up early.We should also do some running.It’sgood for us to open the windows to let thefresh air in.We’d better not go tocrowded places.We must often clean ourhouses,wash hands,and change clothes.We should drink boiled waterand eat healthy food.

天府大联考2016语文第八第九参考答案,拜谢各位! 先看看清晰不

天府大联考1 2016政治答案 我是文科生,今年大二了,高考这种事第一是心态,这不是废话,绝对的重要的,第二就是基础了,书上的每一点都要弄明白,最好连注解都烂熟于心,还有就是平时做题的时候一定要总结思路,最好能默写下来,祝你成功!

天府大联考2017届答案地理 所有的答案也是仅供参考里面可能会有混淆的答案,这样反而会让自己学习不能循序渐进希望能帮到你,请采纳正确答案.你的点赞或采纳是我继续帮助其他人的动力

天府教育大联考2016文科英语16答案 A2-1-5ABCDD 6-10 DCABC 11-15 ACDBA 16-20 CCACA 21-25 BCBBA 26-30 CABDA 31.They were cleaners.32.A falling long knife cut it off.33.He found Joe’s ear.34.He is silly.35.A Lost Ear.36-40 BDBAC B1 Ⅰ.1-5 BACBD Ⅱ.1.Are you pleased with your job?2.Can your elder sister cook on her own?B2-B3版 I.1-5 CCBBA 6-10 DDBDD 11-15 BADCB 16-20 BCDDA II.21-25 CAEBF III.26.sites 27.narrow 28.alone 29.pleasure 30.express 31.patient 32.dishonest 33.scared 34.medical 35.mine IV.36.on;own 37.Who;join 38.was cut 39.Why not 40.don’t think;has Ⅴ.A.41-45 CBCAD B.46.In Manchester.47.His grandfather and his uncle.48.The differences of Christmas between Finland and the UK.49.It might be snowy.50.In Finland.C.51-55 DBCDB 56-60 DABAB D.61.jumped 62.house 63.shouting 64.quickly 65.caught 66.but 67.legs 68.mother’s 69.interviewed 70.Look VI.Be model students As students,it’s very important for us to know what to do and what not to do.We should go to school on time.In class we should listen to the 。


