露西和莉莉不在同一个学校.[翻译成英文] Lucy and Lily aren't in the same school.
我和丽丽在同一个教室英语翻译 你好,为你解答,正确答案为:Lily and I are in the same classroom.不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
丽丽不在这间办公室工作的英文 丽丽不在这间办公室工作Lily doesn't work in this office丽丽不在这间办公室工作Lily doesn't work in this office
英语翻译 我想请他帮助我复习功课I wanna ask him to help me to review my lessons.小红和丽丽都是团员Both Xiao Hong and Lili are League members.该轮到李永擦黑板It's Li Yong's turn to clean the blackboad.我一看到他就告诉了他这件事I told him this as soon as I saw him.我的钢笔不如他的好My pen is not as good as his.站在你父亲旁边的那个人是谁Who is the one standing besides your father?我要先写完作业,而不能先去踢球I should do my homework first not go to play football.他小时候住在农村,想象到河里游泳As a child,he lived in the country,这句看不明白.令我们惊奇的是她在100米比赛中得了第一To our surprise she got the first place in the 100 meter race.司机在距离交通指示灯大约20面的处开始减速Drivers began to slow down at a distance of about 20 meters from the traffic lights
英语翻译 图上距离20厘米表示实际距离20千米,比例尺是多少?20千米=2000000cm比例尺 20:2000000=1:100000丽丽5天背了120个英语单词,照这样的速度,4月份能背多少个?120÷5x30=720个在比例尺是1:200000的地图上,量的甲乙两地的距离是4厘米,求甲乙两地的实际距离?4x200000=800000cm=8000m=8km如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,
中学英语, whats the name of his book
丽丽现在不在家里英文 丽丽现在复不在家里英文如下:Lily isn't at home right now重点词汇制释zhidao义现在now;today;nowadays;currently;at present不在家stay out
她和我在同一个年级不在同一个班用英语怎么说 She?and?I?are?in?the?same?level?but?different?class.