读写议联结 写一篇从听说读写四个方面如何学习英语的短文.用英文、最好有中文翻译.


读写译用英语怎么说? reading,noting while translating

读写议联结 写一篇从听说读写四个方面如何学习英语的短文.用英文、最好有中文翻译.

英语读写译挂了应该怎么复习. 找B篇C篇阅读大声朗读,注意断句,注意理解,慢慢语感就有了。语法要听老师讲,或者买有详细解析的练习册做单选,注意词汇积累。学英语只要有毅力就没问题。另外看一些原声的英文电影有助于培养兴趣。

读写议联结 写一篇从听说读写四个方面如何学习英语的短文.用英文、最好有中文翻译.

写一篇从听说读写四个方面如何学习英语的短文.用英文、最好有中文翻译. We have many ways to learn English.Now some useful methods will be introduced.The first one is listening.When we want to chat with a foreigner,if we couldn't understand what he said,we cannot chat with him.So we must practice our listening in everyday life.Such as listening to songs and watching movies and TV programmes.We should insist on listening everyday then we will make progross.Secondly,we should practice speaking English.For example,we can join the Corner to make friends and practice with them.The most important point is don't be shy.We can also imitate other people's words in movies.Thirdly,reading books.We can read newspaper and magazines daily.That's a good way to know the latest news and improve our understanding of English.Also,we can read stories we are interested in.Fourthly,writing.Writing is a good way to test your level.Wring diaries can help us increase our aoplication ability.We 。

读写议联结 写一篇从听说读写四个方面如何学习英语的短文.用英文、最好有中文翻译.

想提高英语听说读写译能力,但又不知道从哪方面下手,该怎样合理分配呢? 听说读写译水平要提升是要付出很大努力才行。提高英语水平最好还是要有良好地英语的语境才行。要我说,多…

