让我考虑考虑 英语怎么说? 让我再考虑考虑 英语翻译


把句子我需要更多时间好好考虑考虑翻译成英语 正确翻译是:【I need time to think it through.】或者【I need time to thoroughly think about it.】这里面think it through就是彻底想想,等同于thoroughly think.都是非常常用的表达形式

英语翻译 Thanks for your consideration.We are always glad to service you.What I expected is better than this.It is too disappointed.

你可以考虑一下这件事然后让我知道你的决定英语翻译 You can think about it and let me know what you decide

英语翻译 1.Japan is to the east of China.2.Let me think it over.3.Who runs most slowly of you?4.Let me tell you the way to the library.5.what is mary like?

让我考虑考虑 英语怎么说? 让我考虑考虑的英文:Let me think about it. think 读法 英[θ??k]美[θ??k] 1、v.认为;想;记起;考虑 2、n.想 短语 1、think habitually 惯性地想象 。

“这太突然了,给我点时间,让我好好考虑一下“用英文怎么说?地道一点的。 Woud you please give me time to consider it in details because it's so sudden.译文:你可否给我一点时间容我好好考虑仔细了,因为(这件事)它太突然了。

英语翻译:我希望你能考虑我的建议 我希望你能考虑我的建议英文:I hope you will consider my proposal.词汇解析:一、hope英[h??p]美[ho?p]n.希望;信心;被寄予希望的人(或事物)v.希望,期待;认为短语:in hopes of 希望能…;怀着…的希望in the hope that 怀着…的希望;希望能…only hope 只有希望二、consider英[k?n?s?d?]美[k?n?s?d?r]v.考虑;考虑到;认为短语:all things considered 从全面考虑consider doing 考虑做…consider doing something 考虑做某事三、proposal英[pr??p??z?l]美[pr??po?z?l]n.提出建议;提议,提案短语:proposal for sth 预备;提建议design proposal 设计方案,设计建议to table a proposal 提出建议扩展资料词义辨析:suggestion,advice,proposal这三个词都可译为“建议”,其区别在于:1、advice是针对某一行动提出的;You'd better have legal advice before acting.诉讼之前你最好求教律师。2、suggestion针对某一问题,尤其是为解决困难或改进工作提出的;We welcome any suggestion that helps to improve our work.任何有助于改进工作的建议我们都欢迎。3、proposal是供他人考虑或采纳提出的。His 。

英语翻译:我从来不考虑困难的事 I never consider things which/that are difficult.




