请问复活节彩蛋英文怎么写 easter egg复活节和复活节彩蛋用英语怎么说? 复活节Easter复活节彩蛋Easter eggs复活节彩蛋英语怎么说? Easter color egg关于复活节彩蛋的资料——【英文的】!!! In many places abroad,the first Sunday after the first full moon is Easter after the spring equinox.Many Westerners will play a game of finding eggs when they are young,and there will be some small gifts hidden in the eggs.People who find eggs will be very excited,so the eggs are the most typical symbol of Easter,representing surprise and another hidden mystery.在国外许多地方,第一个满月后的第一个星期日是春分后的复活节。许多西方人在年轻的时候会玩寻找鸡蛋的游戏,鸡蛋里会藏一些小礼物。发现鸡蛋的人会非常兴奋,所以鸡蛋是复活节最典型的象征,代表着惊喜和另一个隐藏的秘密。Besides eggs,there is bread and some chocolate.It symbolizes that Jesus is\"the living bread of eternal life\".The bread was painted with the words Jesus Christ,or a cross,or a rabbit.除了鸡蛋,还有面包和巧克力。它象征着耶稣是“永生的活面包”。面包上画着“耶稣基督”、“十字架”或“兔子”。As for the origin of the Easter Egg,the first legend is to describe the tears of Mary Madalena,who suddenly saw two people 。复活节彩蛋用英语怎么说 复活节EasterItisthecustomoftheChristianstodyeeggsatEaster.(复活节时做彩蛋是基督教徒的习惯。It'sEasterweekendandsupposedlyspring.(这是复活节的周末,…复活节彩蛋用英语怎么说? Easter Chinese food is also very characteristic,mainly lamb and ham.Easter eggs are meant to make people happy-and they are。Beautifully decorated and decorated,these eggs represent people's good wishes and share the joy of the changing seasons with you.复活节常做的事 短语 Make colored eggs孩子们制作复活节彩蛋并且藏起来的英文 共4 Children make Easter eggs and hide them The Easter eggs are laid out in the candy store just after Christmas.The smallest and simplest ones are cheap 。
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