英语翻译 嗯,我同意您的观点.一切伟人都在不断的思考发问,不断的研究.这句话是对的.可是您的问题在哪里?我小生一个有什么地方不对请您不要生气。英语翻译 There【are-is】some information【need-needed】to confirm with you.Is it a new name or another name?英语翻译 1,asking questions is the ideological progress,study power.All the acquisition of knowledge,mostly from asking questions,New inventions,new creation also often by asking beginning.Can ask questions,frequently,mind will naturally are increasingly rich,natural will increasingly keen eyes.Others would not think,where he could come up with breathtaking views of partial,Others think the usual things,he partial will see that unusual truth.Although we are not everyone can become a great scientists,thinkers,but must seek knowledge,not unknown reason.Request knowledge,md,everywhere will cut problems.Cannot ask,is industrious what a shame。2,we promise:in the development of the cultural industry,implement cultural resource protection and development,realize the balance of cultural resources development and market demand of effective docking,give city economy injected history,art and emotional connotation,prompting of cultural resources potential value into reality of social wealth.英语翻译 答案依次为:that he obtained the travel informationto examine if y your products are suitable for the local costumers.No better means to develop a new marketto inform them of your business trip and its.我们不仅可以看国内外新闻,而且可以获取其他信息.用英语怎么翻译. Not only can we see the news at home and abroad,but also can obtain additional information.英语翻译 You may not see any immediate result when you try something new.However,you surely find many of the consequences we are experiencing at this moment would not have existed if we had not initiated it at.
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