我有两个朋友,一个是。。。另一个是。。用英语怎么说? 这是我的两个朋友英文怎么翻译成英文歌曲


英语翻译 There are two friends who share weal and woe together,and their relationship are like brothers.God does not believe that there is real friendship in the world and thus he set a test for them.One day,this two friends lost their way in a desert,and death is getting closer to them.At this moment,God appeared,saying,\"My son,there are two apples on a tree up at the front,you can resist death and hang on til you exited the desert if you eat the bigger apple,the smaller one will take away your breath and die painfully in the end.\"The two friends walk for a distance and indeed,there is a tree and on the tree are two apples.However,none of them will touch the apple which give them the light of living.Deep in the night,the two friends look at each other with great emotions,they believed that this would be their last night.When the sun rises from one end of the desert,one of the friends woke up,he discovered his friend is gone and a dried small apple is left on the tree.He was disappointed,not 。我的朋友很少,只有两个.翻译成英文 I have few friends only two.我有两个朋友,一个是。。。另一个是。。用英语怎么说? I have two friends,one is.,the other希望我的回答能帮助到你~我有两个朋友 用英文怎么说 我有两个朋友 [网络]I Have Two Friends;[例句]我有两个朋友。一个是矮个子,另一个是高个子。I have two friends.One is short,and the other is tall. 。这是我的朋友,用英语怎么说 “这是我的朋友”英2113语:This is my friend.词汇解析5261:1、this英[e?s]美[e?s]pron.这,4102这个;这事,1653这人;这时;下面所说的事adj.这,这个;刚过去的2、friend英[frend]美[fr?nd]n.朋友,友人;资助者;助手;词汇搭配:best friend 最好的朋友close friend 亲密的朋友dear friend 挚友good friend 好朋友扩展资料friend的基本意思是“朋友,友人”,一般没有血缘关系。引申为“同胞”或“自己人”“同盟者”,还可指“极有益或熟悉的事物”。其首字母大写时可表示“(基督教)公谊会教友”。friend可用于在公开场合对人的称呼。friend常与介词of或to连用,表示“…的支持者或赞助者”。be〔make,keep〕 friends with sb 中的主语和宾语不论是单数还是复数,friends总是复数形式。be friends with sb,make friends with sb这两个短语意思有所不同:前者的意思是“是某人的朋友”或“与某人友好”,强调一种状态;后者的意思是“与某人交朋友”,强调的是一时的动作。试比较:I'm great friends with him.我和他很要好。Haas found it hard to make friends with others.哈斯觉得和别人交朋友真难。用英语怎么说我最好的两个朋友 你好!我最好的两个朋友My best two friends

