英语翻译 We had a meeting at which we were talking about many issues yesterday.The reason why we came here is asking for your help.what was the name of town in which we stayed last year?This was the person who I got the news from.It has gone permanently for no buses in our village.Did you know your wife in that restaurant?I haven't seen the novel which we were talking about yesterday.the Drama which Mary took part in was very successful.I haven't found the pen which was used for writing letter.Have you seen the TV which she spent USD1000?英语翻译 1.He told us that they would help us finish one task.2.That you missed in attending yesterday's lecture is really a pity.3.The problem is whether we could cut the cost of our product.4.The fact that the delivery fee is too high remains no discussing.每句都按照要求进行了,昨天我们就这个问题进行了讨论的英语 昨天我们就这个问题进行了讨论Yesterday we discussed about this issue英语翻译 1、他人特别好,我们都很喜欢他.He's very kind and we all like him2、昨天什么事让你哭的那么难过?What made you cried so sorrowly yesterday?3、你在哪吃的饭?Where did you have meal?5、你们在讨论什么呢?What.“我们昨天在会上讨论了那个问题”翻译成英语 We discussed that case/problem in the meeting yesterday书面表达. Yesterday we had a discussion about whether we should keep animals in zoos.Twenty studentsthink that we should keep animals in the zoo.We can see many different kinds of animals in the zoo.And they can be taken good care by people.Thirty students think that we shouldn't keep animals in the zoo.The animals are kept in cages andcan hardly move at all.They like living in nature.(答案不唯一)昨天我们开了一个会,会上讨论了许多问题翻译 We had a meeting and discussed many questions at the meeting yesterday.加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢!
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