英语翻译 One day.she recieved a call from her son:\"My comrade hurt his legs because saving me at war.and I wanna take him home and take care of him.\"She replied:\"Godspeed。No problem,but how long?The re.英语翻译 ERIC来广州出差,他打算花一天的时间逛逛广州.但是担心时间不够,他列下了在广州要游览的地方.Eric went on business trip in Guang Zhou and intended to spend one single day look over there.But what he worriedabout was that the time was not enough to do that.So he make a list of where he wanted to visit.他最先想去的地方是越秀公园.越秀公园虽然四周扩建了一些现代便民设施,但它仍然是一个吸引游人和附近居民的地方.让他最为震撼的是位于山顶的镇海楼里陈列了许多不同朝代的历史珍宝.The place he wanted to go most was Yue Xiu park where attracts a plenty of tourists and habitants because of the the construction around it.what amazed him most is the Zhen Hai tower in which displays a lot of treasures of history in different dynasties接着参观的是中山纪念堂,它包括了一个壮观的纪念堂和一樽纪念孙中山的雕像.最后他以夜游珠江结束了他的旅程.ERIC看到许多灯火辉煌的大厦企力在珠江两岸.The next stop is Zhong Shan memorial which is comprised of a grand that and sculpture of Sun Yat-sen.He ended up visiting The Pearl 。英语翻译 1.They are building a new building.It will be completed before September of next year.2.It was too cold,so that nobody went out.3.This book was so interesting,so that he read a whole night.4.Tom always does his homework on Sunday evening,but last Sunday evening,he didn't.英语翻译 1、I can't forget the day when his mother passed away.2、please tell me the reason why he hasn't been here yet.3、this is the house where i had lived for three years ten years ago.1 he used to hear the girl in the neighborhood sing that song.2 you have to find someone mend your computer.3 all the people in the village were forced to leave their homeland.4 anyone is forbidden to picnic here.5 he wants you to ask for the doctor to do the surgery for the patient英语翻译,他们肯定没打算把他培养成一名工程师 They definitely did not intend to caltivate him as an engineer。英语翻译 I am hungry.I need lots of energy.walk to sw.Would like to be a dancer where are yo going to spend your holiday?why are you so happy?children go to school when they are 7 years old in China People cel.那一天他还没有准备好去死的英语怎么读(外语学习) 英文原文:He wasn't prepared to die that day.英式音标:[hi?][?w?znt][pr??pe?d][t?;before a vowel;t?;stressed;tu?][da?][e?t;e?t][de?].美式音标:[hi][?w?znt][pr??perd][tu?t?][da?][e?t][de].英语翻译句子:1.我们下周一离开广州。 2.你明天会回去看他吗? 3,他们没打算下周去野炊。 4.汤姆下周三回来。 5.你们打算什么时候去放风筝? 1.我们下周一离开广州。We will leave Guangzhou next Monday.2.你明天会回去看他吗?will you go back to see him tomorrow?3,他们没打算下周去野炊。。英语翻译 1.I really hoped you can put out compared to this better solution.2.Said to the nurse that,persisted this stipulation is veryimportant.3.When Black Hakkas fire,exactly all is watching the movie.
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