求也退原文 求“众人之进,未始不为退。”原文。


“子路问;‘闻斯行诸?’”这句的“斯”是什么意思?“求也退”的“退”是什么意思?“故进之”的“进” “子路问;‘闻斯行诸?这句的“斯”:此,指合于义理的事。

求翻译啊,好的加到100分。 Could you leave your account for me I will refund you the deposit.However,I only can return 3000 yuan to you depends on the circumstance as below:First,the wall was broken although you have had painted as a scar renovationSecond,on the doorframes and floor the several parts had been scratched due to you moved the bed in or out,even the corner of the TV stand was damaged.Third,the curtain in room has been alternated now obviously shortened.Fourth you do not take good care of the facilities in your room.Put the room chair out of the balcony even cut piece of cover cloth which was put on the washing machine for rugstherefore.we have to deduct 800 yuan as compensation.Furthermore details please refer article 7 of the contract.

“退而求其次”的下句是什么? “退而求其次”的下句2113是“无路可退”。“退5261而求其次”出自4102曹靖华的《叹往昔,独木1653桥头徘徊无终期》。1、原文:“凡事往往不得已而求其次,‘鸿沟’上没有‘桥梁’,只好‘绕道东京’了。2、注音:tuìérqíuqícì。3、释义:得不到最好的,只有要相对好一些的了。4、一直想出国游玩,迫于经济压力,只能退而求其次选择国内线路考虑。


