帮我听听这个歌是谁唱的叫什么名字 你叫叫我听听


帮我听听这个歌是谁唱的叫什么名字 as i moved oncome and dance,comei was all alone,going for a ridetravelling solo,off my guardi had to follow this calling from the wildinto the shadowinto the shadows of my heartieeded all my strength tostand up to your agendai said it,i said it againi never wanna becomestuck in your machinei said it,i said it againcome and dance,comeand as i moved on,thought i'd blow my mindbut as it turned out,i was wrongi met my sorrow,saw her in the eyesshe tried my courageshe tried my courage,but left me stronger(you better stand up straight and you gotta be strongyou gotta fighe for your right and reclaimu yuor own song)i needed all my strength tostand up to your agendai said it,i said it againi never wanna beconestuck in your machinei said it,i said it againcome and dance,come这回肯定没错了,我听过了,不好意思,之前没听

帮我听听这叫什么歌 http://v.game.sohu.com/v/1/10095/59/NTk2MDg3自己听听看【歌名】画沙【专辑】《袁咏琳 Cindy Yen》【公司】杰威尔音乐有限公司【作曲】袁咏琳【作词。

帮我听听这首歌叫什么名字?你非常可能听过! 红日 李克勤视听http://www1.neacn.com/。/music/1153/e/26.wma

