给国外的交换生留学函为什么一直未回信 看具体情况。如果没有回复,主要是以下的情况居多:1、发错了联系人;2、邮件标题不清晰,导致老师没有看;3、老师还没有看到,这个主要是时间的问题。
高中英语作文 交换生回国后给国外老师的一封问候信询问他最近情况并要他的联系方式 是说电话还是邮箱?Dear Professor XX,How are you?Is everything going well with you可以寄问候信不就知道联系方式了吗;ve got some photos that I'?I'.(school name).Here's mine;m looking forward to share with you and other students in.;ve been back to China for X months now and things are great here.I was wondering if I could have your email address so that we can keep in touch online.I':(your email address)
高中英语作文 关于交换生来到中国没朋友你给他出一些交友的建议(急急急) 共1 1 For foreign exchange student who come to China for the first time,there are a few ways to make new friends.First you must not be afraid to 。