运动员们英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 The mountain climbers finally(made it/manage)to climb to the peek although they had faced many obstacles and hardships.Today's weathers is very good,neither cold nor warm.It has been than ten m.

专业运动员英文怎么说? 专业运动员英文:Professional Athlete。针对不同的运动项目专业运动员的英文是不同的,统称Professional Athlete也可以。1、运动很多种,不同运动项目叫法可以不同,例如球类运动员可以统一称为player,田径运动员可以称为athlete,摔跤的运动员叫wrestler,足球运动员可以叫footballer或football player等等.2、英文中专业就是指职业的,professional;非专业的指是业余的,amateur。扩展资料:1、(sports)a professional athlete who is free to sign a contract to play for any team.(体育)可自由与任何队契约的职业运动员。2、In fact,I'm willing to argue that he is the single most hated professional athlete.事实上,我可以说他是唯一最不被人喜欢的职业运动员。3、I've been deprived the nutrition necessary to become a professional athlete.我缺少成为一个职业运动员所需的营养。4、When I was a little boy,I always dreamed of becoming a professional athlete.我小时候总是梦想要做一名职业运动员。5、One program,which had enrolled a professional athlete,attempted to report his outsize salary in their average.例如,某所。

英语翻译 1 At the Olympic Games,athletes demonstrated their great physical strength and skills.2 The Lord of the Rings have had great impact on speaking country for decades.3 Owing to reasons known to all,some importent performs had been canceled.4 The construction of Lupu Bridges had been completed in 2003,which added a brilliant touch to the grand city spectacle of modern Shanghai.5 It was not until 1990s that the old man had met his brother in the mainland.第五题时间原因没细琢磨,希望有所帮助吧~

