我已经到上海两天了英语 当我到上海时,他已经住在那里很长时间了(用英文说)


他们离开上海两天了 用英文怎么说 they have been away from Shanghai for two days希望采纳

当我到上海时,他已经住在那里很长时间了(用英文说) he had lived for a long time when I reached Shanghai.

英语翻译 哇上面两位的中式英语真是有够厉害啊.本来不想回复的,这样还是帮你写写吧.虽然你的悬赏分也太不够意思啦.1.如果不是闰年,二月份有多少天?If it is not a leap year,how many days does February have?2.你到上海,通常喜欢去哪些地方?You like to go to visit which places when you are at shanghai?3.往年,每逢水灾,就有千百万人死于饥荒和疫病.Before this year each time the flood came there were thousands of people dying of hunger and diseases.4.当初他住在上海时,每次出席音乐会,总是喜欢古典音乐.At the time he lived at Shanghai he always enjoyed the classical musical when he attended the concert.5.如果她答应参加宴会,她一定会来的.If she promised to attend the party,she will surely come.6.如果我能得到银行贷款,我就买下这栋房子.I will buy this house if I can get the loan from the bank.7.除非立即戒烟,他的健康情况不会改善.His health condition will not improve unless he quit smoking right now.8.即使出的起钱,我也不买这幅图画.I will not buy the picture even if I can afford it.9.如果没有这许多蚊虫,。


