上周末你干什么了英语作文 英语作文.《你上周末都做了些什么》


上周末你做了什么 英语作文 I had a busy weekend.I did my homework on Saturday morniing.After lunch,I had a nap.In the afternoon,I visited my gandmother and helped her with the housework.In the evening,I did my homework and then surfed the internet.On Sunday morning,my parents and I went to a park and we had a picnic there at noon.In the afternoon,I washed my clothes and cleaned the room.I read books and then watched TV in the evening.I really had a wonderful weekend.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼,快乐每一天!(*_^)

你上周末做了什么?英语作文(五句) On Saturday night,after I finish my homework,called Xiao li to school playing basketball.Xiao li is my good friend,he plays basketball well,I study better than him,he taught me to play,I taught him how to do homework.we learned each other.

英语作文关于上个周末你干了什么的 没有字数限制么?The weather was nice last weekend.I helped mom to clean the house in the morning.We swepted and mopped the floor together,did the laundry and ironing,cleaning the kitchen and all the furnitures.The whole apartment looked so fresh after our work.In the afternoon,I went out with my friends to see movie.it was very crowded in the cinema,so many people there.We went there early to get a good seat.We bought coke and pop corns.The movie was nice,we enjoyed it a lot.

