【像铠甲勇士一样永不退缩】这是个歌词,这是什么歌? 主题曲 Narrator 4级 2010-02-26 回答 主题曲《铠甲勇士》(又名:《命运战士》)作词:周秉毅 作曲:陈宇鹏 演唱:陈宇鹏 宇宙生命 永不会停息 相信自己的身体总带着 潜在。
美国电影《永不退缩》的插曲和片尾曲 Orange Marmalade-Mellowdrone(when Jake and Baja were making out in his room)Be Safe-The Cribs(When he and Max were following Roqua)Time Won't Let Me Go-The Bravery(End credits)False Pretense-Red Jumpsuit ApparatusTo Be Loved-Papa RoachTV on the Radio-Wolf Like MeSoulja Boy-Crank Dat(Travis Barker Remix)Someday-FlipsydeRock Star-ChamillionaireHeadstrong-Trapt(trailer of the movie)Stronger-Kayne WestThe Slam-Toby Macteenagers-my chemical romanceunder the knife-rise againstHope that is all of them.
求thewarriorsong勇士之歌和thewarriorsong-hardcorps勇士之歌硬汉版的中文歌词是中文歌词 邮箱1158094741@qq.com 其实这两首歌歌词差不多,陆战队版的带英文,可以的话,给分哦 1.《Thewarriorsong》勇士之歌(原版)我是武装到牙齿的杀人机器 绿光闪烁之间让。