英语翻译 我终于想起来了英文


英语翻译 I often meet with a girl,undoubtfully a beautiful one.But I find it strange that I've never seen her smile.Till one day I finally did,it was a pity that her smile wasn't all that attractive.It was her teeths that weren't so perfect to be exact.I wonder if that's why she seldom smiles.People have a tendency to conceal their ugly side.I feel that everyone in the world is wearing a mask,which makes it hard for us to see clearly who they really are.Don't they find it tiring to live thus?Why not put down the burden and do whatever you like without misgivings?If I ever meet that girl again,I'd tell her,\"You know,actually,you've got a nice smile.Maybe I'm not romantic enough.

我没时间背单词,但是又想英语快点好起来,我该怎么办?。 我也最讨厌死记硬背单词了 所以在接触华尔街英语之前,我的英文一直木有起色。所以我要感谢华尔街英语提供了完全不同于应试的教学方法,4个人以内的外教小班课还有外教补充。

我想起来了。(看到老朋友终于想起他是谁时)用英文怎么说 O I see。


