客服服务部门的英语 英语翻译:为客户提供以情报门户为核心的服务



英语翻译 1、General manager’s office2、Deputy general manager's office3 Financial department(FD)4、marketing department/sales department5、Customer service center6、Production planning department7、Quality management department8、Security Department9、engineering department10、CIM(Center for Information Management)11、human resource department12、Supervisory Office of Provincial Bureau(sopb)13、Storage and Transportation Department14、product exhibition room./showroom15、Technical Support 信息中心/Multimedia Room 多媒体室16、General Engineer office17、providing department/supply department

英语翻译 1.负责海运科的日常管理工作,向经理汇报.I was responsible for the daily operations of Ocean Freight department and reported to the Manager2.制定规范客户服务作业流程,监督客户服务制度的执行;负责本部门下属的绩效考评;I prepared a SOP for client service work and oversaw client service performance;I was responsible for evaluating the work performance of my colleagues in my department.3.负责对本部门客服人员进行培训,全面提高客户服务的效率和水平;I was responsible for training the client service team to comprehensively enhance its efficiency and work performance.4.与客户进行沟通,及时掌握客户需要,了解客户状态;定期拜访客户,对客户信息的搜集;I communicated with clients to understand their needs and visited them regularly to gather client information.5.定期对客户档案进行分析、整理,提供销售分析数据,展开部门间的协作;I conducted routine analysis and sorting of client archive.Based on these work,I was able to provide reliable sales analysis data,which helped to enhance inter-department 。


