英语翻译希望在以后的日子里,我们互相关照, 英语翻译 『游泳有益于健康』Swimming is good for our health.『不要独自到江河游泳;应有家人陪伴』Never swim alone in rivers,you should swim with your family.『游泳时相互关照,时间不要太长』Take care of each othe.相互关照,注意安全的英语 take care of each other and be careful相互关照,注意安全\ 希望以后大家多多关照:I hope you will take care of them in the future.希望以后我们互相学习:I hope wo can learn from each other in the future.内容 我们要分宿舍了 舍不得 我们平时融洽相处 互相关照晚上熄灯后说话到很晚 无话不谈我们宿舍很疯狂 宿舍号为714 We willbe divide into several groud and live in different domitory,we don't like separation,because we get on with each other,we look after each other,we will talking after turn off the light in the evening,the members of our domitory is crazy,our room英语翻译 My dear colleagues:Nice to meet you all。I feel very honored to be part of this team.My name is.,from.Hopefully I can be taken care at the very beginning.Well,i am rookie here,in other words,.春游是为了休息和放松,也是同学之间互相交流的好机会. Spring outing is for resting and relaxing,it's also a good chance for classmates to communicate with each other.We should help and take care of each other during the journey and tour希望以后大家多多关照 (英文怎么说) 要标准的,正确的 希望以后大家多多关照:Hope everybody take care 希望以后我们互相学习:Hope we learn from each other(游泳时相互关照,时间不要太长)用英语怎么说? 你好楼主,用英文说是这样:Taking care of each other when swimming,don't spend too much time如果对你的问题有帮助,望楼主采纳。如有不懂的,请继续追问.
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