回忆我的高中生活100字 高中生活的一天作文


请以“我的高中生活”为题,按要求作文。 我的高中生活 曾经的走过,有欢笑,又沉默.难以忘怀的难道仅是迟迟的春日?题记 走过轰轰烈烈的初中后,留下了为数不多的回忆,每一幕似乎都刻骨,但又模糊.情节是那样清晰但每个人的身影又是那么飘忽,那.

《我期待的高中生活》作文,要求1000字以上 我梦想中的高2113中我梦想中的高中,画满问号,想5261象着从那门缝里,4102钻进耀眼的1653阳光,我充满期待的,小心翼翼的推开门,精彩缤纷的生活连同无际的学海上倾盆的阳光与我撞个满怀。我惊讶地张大嘴巴,睁大眼睛,四处张望措手不及间充满着欣喜与向往。我梦想中的高中,定会有繁重的学习任务与压力,而心中憧憬更多的是愈加丰富多彩的校园生活与梦想。我要在胸前别上属于自己的鲜艳的团徽,要在文学社中尽情享受文字的魅力,要在科学之旅中开拓出一片物理新天地,体验着充满乐趣又不乏艰辛的滋味。神秘的高中里,我可以尽情挥洒至纯至美的童真,也可以美美地体味激情莫测的青春。正是七月,小暑的阳光醒目而灿烂,抬头眼望向窗外,满目的郁郁葱葱,一排排高大的樟树正叶茂枝繁,铺满新绿的叶子,在夏风中飒飒作响。总有一天,我们也会象这樟树一样,舞出最美的风采,实现心中最美的梦想。而现在,我们所要做的就是踏踏实实走好每一步,用智慧装点青春,用信念支撑自己前进,如此,便能看到雨后彩虹、雪后阳光。这个美丽的夏天,挥挥手,我们走过青春第一站,更要满怀豪情地向下一站迈进,从现在开始,装扮属于我们的未来。我梦想中的高中,我不知道我是否能用。

my high school life英语作文 Generally speaking,life in high school is busy and fulfilling,due to the ultimate goal-College Entrance Examination.Many people say that there is no fun left but bored study and endless exercises.However,as a high school student,I can’t agree with them.Personally,I live a fruitful but happy life in high school.It can’t be denied that study is my priority that I must spend most of my time and energy on it.Sometimes,study may make me frustrated or even drive me crazy,but I still can adjust my mood to enjoy my life.Besides,I can also get a sense of achievement when I do well in my study or make progress.The most important is that my friends bring much happiness to me and my parents’care inspires me to go on.I think friends in high school are my best friend forever,because they know me a lot and witness all of my emotions.They are the persons who grow with me.In addition,teachers in high school care much about our students both in study and life,and classmates are always friendly to 。

