优惠活动英语怎么说呀? 今天我们餐厅推出了一个活动英文


‘配合促销活动’ 英文怎么说?中译英英语专业中译英,有一句“为了配合这次促销活动,我们特别推出了i-music限量版,全国发行”.想了几个句子都觉得不太好,特别是“配合”在这个语境下怎么翻合适?in accordance with?求高人相助. 英语翻译 卅丕賱丕诰賶丿蹠 倬丕卅丕賱賶賷蹠鬲丿蹏賰賶賳賶賲賶夭睾丕&.英语翻译把女士打扮的更美丽,把男士打扮的更帅,我想变的更帅,本店推出新的活动以上求 英语翻译 英语翻译 Dear Owners:Hello。Sakura restaurant in the area for the launch of the owners to provide free buffet breakfast tasting activities,there have been warmly welcomed by the majority of the owners.In order to let you feel the cherry better,convenient service for self-service restaurant Sakura from the silkworm as early as today formally opened to you。We will listen to the views of the majority of owners to further improve our work and dedicated years of service。Look forward to seeing you。Breakfast:10/bitBreakfast coupons to buy:Sakura RestaurantSakura Finance Service Co.,Ltd.of the property room(19#1 Unit 102)Tel:*我们会推出一些优惠活动在星期日这天 英语怎么说? we will give a discount on Sunday.优惠活动英语怎么说呀? We currently have a promotion program.Once the card is complete with eight stampings,one customer will be treated free of charge.用stamps或stampings,都可以.stamps/stickers侧重于贴票,stampings侧重于盖章.英语翻译 diniingwestern-style dining room provided special offer combo(money-refilling is available)philip steak combo 58 per setnew zealand muttonchop combot-bone steak bussiness combofruit and vegetable salad containing\\vegetable soup \\ meal combo \\ juice per set华尔街英语现在有推出一些活动吗?有啊,比如说21天打卡活动,青年志愿者活动,等等。你可以去官方微博 有 啊,比 如 说 2 1 天 打 卡 活 动,青 年 志 愿 者 活 动,等 等。你 可 以 去 官 方 微 博 或 者 是 贴 吧 上 看 一 下。英语翻译 preferentialfavorablepreference您只要把我们的报价与其他供应商的开价相比较就会知道我方价格多么优惠.If you compare our quotation with those offered by other suppliers,you'll see how favorable ours is.

