企业经营困难英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 近年来,受欧债危机蔓延,国内经济增速放缓的影响,服装企业受到较大冲击,经营遇到困难.出现这些状况,除了上述原因外,会计核算不规范也是一个重要诱因和关键所在.造成少数企业的成本居高不下,直接导致企业利润大幅下降,有的接近破产.苦练内功,向内部挖潜、向会计核算要效益已成为企业的共识和大张旗鼓采取的举措.本论文以中山市双恭九服饰有限公司为研究对象,从会计核算的概念、会计核算存在的问题、会计核算对策等几方面进行分析比较,研讨论证.以期对探求加强企业会计核算管理,实现企业利润增加和管理规范化有所帮助.In recent years,due to the spread of European debt crisis and the impact of domestic slow economic growth,apparel enterprises suffer from severe shocks and encouner operational hardships.Besides the above causes,inappropriate accouning is also an important inducement and the crucial point for such occurrences.A minority of enterprises maintaining high costs directly leads to sharp decrease of corporate profits and even close to bankruptcy.It has become a consensus and large-scale measure shared by different 。

请帮我翻译英文 At present,China's economic reform deepening,the economic operation is basically stable,the economic growth keeps in a reasonable range.But in the economic reform,such problems outstanding,for e.

英语翻译 He believes that the key to the development of enterprises who are the most active factor productivity is the internal driving force for sustainable development of enterprises.而决定人行为的要素首先是思维模式和观念,观念不变,再好的决策也无法实施.Elements of human behavior and decided to first of all thinking and concepts,ideas change,even the best decisions can not be implemented.为此,他把思想政治教育工作作为企业经营管理的一项重要内容,利用各种机会,采取多种方式鼓舞员工干劲.To this end,he ideological and political education as an important enterprise content management,using a variety of opportunities to take various measures to encourage the staff motivated.公司每年开的各种大小会议,他都要把思想政治教育工作的内容作为必备课.Annual conferences and meetings open,he would take the contents of the ideological and political education as a necessary lesson.员工思想的高度统一,创新精神的不断迸发,激发了管理人员的创业欲望,使个人潜能得以最大的发挥.People thinking of the unity of the spirit of 。


