《后汉书》卷二十四现代文翻译 后汉书卷二祭肜


后汉书卷二十一翻译 1967

《后汉书·卷二十七》翻译 Word looking back,is JingZhao Gui under.Han emperor,the sweat flat when emperor in the state county officials.WangMang reigned government period,called up every time going.Home has accumulated a lot of money,reclusive up cultivate one's morality raises a gender,generosity.Each year when the car is least white-gloved pull into the field and waiting for work to console them.Those who fall for lazy people embarrassed to see wang Dan,have to strive,encouraging yourself.So the whole cities all follow each other,and became very rich.Those frivolous,cunning,played about and lusty,decadent become the person suffering,is their fathers know,let they punish him.If there is a dead people to subsidies,wang Dan HuLing personally.The house of the dead,are WangDanLai do,the neighbor were used to it.Do this ten?

急求后汉书 卷二十 王霸传翻译 光武四年秋,光武帝驾临谯地,派遣王霸与捕虏将军马武一起向东讨伐割据垂惠称雄的周建。苏茂率领五校军到垂惠援救周建。马武依仗王霸会来增援,不倾力应战,被苏茂、周建。


