wca国际货代联盟 成员 中文翻译成英语


世界货运组织联盟(WCA) 你要做什么?没有问题无法回答

中文翻译成英语 World Cargo Alliance(WCA)is the WCA Family earliest establishment of the sub-Network,and is currently the world's most successful,the second highest number of members of the network.WCA is a non-unitary system of freight forwarding network,But according to each market scale of business and other members of the business market needs to control its membership.WCA currently has than 850 member companies located in 146 countries of nearly 400 markets.Today,WCA to the successful operation is still attracting a large number of credit outstanding freight forwarding companies to seek to become members of the network possibilities.Advanced Professional Logistics Network(APL N)WCA network in most markets the number of full members,APLN crops,to meet freight forwarders to set up an international network needs.APLN WCA is a sister network,has a well-known part of the freight industry representatives as members.China Global Logistics Network(CGLN)the China market demand customization and 。

如何加入WCA货代联盟.具体申请和操作方法? 谢邀,建议先联系中国国际货代协会(CIFA),这样好沟通一些,WCA的门槛比较高

#wca国际货代联盟 成员

