英语翻译 我已经在上海教学一年了英语翻译


英语翻译 I’ve already been in Shanghai

英语翻译 Tom 在哪儿?他去书店买书了.Where is Tom?He has gone to the bookshop to buy books.我在北京待了5年了.I have stayed in Beijing for five years.Jack 去过上海两次了.Jack has been to Shanghai twice.Ten years have passed since they got married.(have->;has)Jim has gone to Beijing for 2 years.(gone->;been)What time have the factory opened?(opened->;been open)I have gone to Chunhua Middle School twice(gone->;been)

英语翻译 It has been 6 years since I learn English.It is his first time to visit the Expo.They can't leave until they finish the job.Many changes have taken place in Shanghai in the past 10 years.It seems that he's very surprised about what you said just now.Thank you so much for inviting me to attend the farewell which is held for Mr.Smith.

